Inverse Collections

A single collections with 100,000 works, in an inverse relationship with the work referencing the collection. All tests used a Solr index with auto-suggest disabled.


Using the ActiveFedora adapted with Valkyrie took 23 hours. It is also worth noting that even though this was a metadata-only test, it used 172 GB of disk. We’re assuming this was largely in the Fedora repository.

8584.52s user 449.45s system 10% cpu 23:05:01.55 total


Using the Fedora adapter with Valkyrie took 13 hours and used 167 GB of disk. Again, assuming this was largely all Fedora data.

1345.51s user 107.13s system 3% cpu 13:08:38.49 total

Lake Superior

Using the Fedora adapter in Valkyrie with Lake Superior (and not Fedora) took ~ 7 hours and used 866 MB of disk.

9635.17s user 507.91s system 40% cpu 6:58:27.16 total


Using the Postgres adapter with Valkyrie took 7 minutes, 23 seconds and used no describable disk space.

357.16s user 13.31s system 83% cpu 7:23.43 total